Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Weather reporting script

UPDATE: I have just been noticed that curl is not included in some distros like ubuntu, so, remember to check if your curl package is installed. (Thanks Crespo !)

UPDATE2: Corrected a problem with comma sign on floating numbers for locales different that US. (Thanks Crespo ! -again-)

This script works on any *nix system that has bash, curl, grep cat and sed (almost any). Just provide it with your current city code as a parameter or modify the code to set the code variable to your city code.
Run example:

bash weather GMXX0185 will retrieve the weather from Frankfurt. The script will show current forecast and next hours temperatures and precipitation percentile:

To find your city code, go to, lookup your city and when you see the results grab the following part of the URL:

Download: here.

To run, once downloaded you can run it with bash:
bash weather YOURCODE
Or give it run permissions (chmod +x weather) and run it:
./weather YOURCODE

Enjoy !

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